287 lines
9.0 KiB
287 lines
9.0 KiB
#include <constant.h>
#include <matplotlibcpp.h>
#include <util/argparse.h>
#include <utils.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using Eigen::Vector2d;
namespace plt = matplotlibcpp;
#define sigma 3.405e-10
#define epsilon 1.65e-21
#define mass (6.63382e-26 / 39.95)
#define tem (epsilon / kb)
#define vel sqrt(epsilon / mass)
#define tim (sigma * sqrt(mass / epsilon))
#define M 39.95
bool debug;
int N, W, Epoch;
double L, T, dt, eps;
class Molecule {
Molecule(double m, Vector2d r0, Vector2d v0) {
r = r0;
v = v0;
cnt = 0;
length = 0;
lastCrash = 0;
this->m = m;
int cnt, lastCrash;
double m, length;
Vector2d a, aPre, r, v;
void warp() {
r[0] -= L * floor(r[0] / L);
r[1] -= L * floor(r[1] / L);
void crash(int index) {
cnt += 1;
length += v.norm() * (index - lastCrash) * dt;
lastCrash = index;
void stretch(double factor) { v *= factor; }
Vector2d separateDistance(Vector2d ra, Vector2d rb) {
double dx = ra[0] - rb[0];
double dy = ra[1] - rb[1];
if (dx > L / 2)
dx -= L;
else if (dx < -L / 2)
dx += L;
if (dy > L / 2)
dy -= L;
else if (dy < -L / 2)
dy += L;
return Vector2d(dx, dy);
double lennardJones(Vector2d r) { return 4 * (pow(1. / r.norm(), 12) - pow(1. / r.norm(), 6)); }
Vector2d lennardJonesFource(Vector2d r) {
double fm = 48 * (pow(1. / r.norm(), 14) - 0.5 * pow(1. / r.norm(), 8));
return fm * r;
double getKinetic(vector<Molecule> mol) {
double Ek = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) Ek += 0.5 * mol[i].m * mol[i].v.squaredNorm();
return Ek;
double getPotential(vector<Molecule> mol) {
double Vr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) Vr += lennardJones(separateDistance(mol[i].r, mol[j].r));
return Vr;
double getEnergy(vector<Molecule> mol) {
double Ek = getKinetic(mol);
double Vr = getPotential(mol);
return Ek + Vr;
double getTemperature(vector<Molecule> mol) {
double Ek = getKinetic(mol);
return Ek / (N - 1);
double getPressure(vector<Molecule> mol) {
double Te = getTemperature(mol);
double p = N * Te;
Vector2d r, f;
for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
r = separateDistance(mol[i].r, mol[j].r);
f = lennardJonesFource(r);
p += r.dot(f) / 2;
return p / pow(L, 2);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
auto args = util::argparser("Argon MD Simulate");
.add_argument<double>("length", "length of box in sigma")
.add_argument<int>("number", "number of particles")
.add_argument<double>("temperature", "temperature in Kelvin")
.add_option("-D", "--debug", "debug mode")
.add_option<int>("-E", "--epoch", "maximum number of rounds simulated,\ndefault is 10000", 10000)
.add_option<int>("-W", "--width", "width of window to get average,\ndefault is 1000", 1000)
.add_option<double>("", "--dt", "delta t to simualte,\ndefault is 0.01", 0.01)
.add_option<double>("", "--eps", "error t0 end simualte,\ndefault is 0.01", 0.01)
.parse(argc, argv);
L = args.get_argument_double("length");
N = args.get_argument_int("number");
T = args.get_argument_double("temperature") / tem;
debug = args.get_option_bool("-D");
Epoch = args.get_option_int("-E");
W = min(args.get_option_int("-W"), Epoch);
dt = args.get_option_double("--dt");
eps = args.get_option_double("--eps");
int cnt = 0;
double fac, eqT, eqE, eqP;
vector<Molecule> argon(N);
Vector2d Vc = Vector2d(0, 0);
vector<double> x(N), y(N);
vector<double> Ti, Te, MTe, En, MEn, Pr, MPr;
default_random_engine seed(time(NULL));
uniform_real_distribution<double> u01(0, 1);
normal_distribution<double> gauss(0, sqrt(T * tem * kb / (M * mass)));
int NM = sqrt(N);
double H = (L - 1.) / (NM - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
double vx = gauss(seed) / vel;
double vy = gauss(seed) / vel;
argon[i] = Molecule(M, Vector2d((i / NM) * H + 0.5, (i % NM) * H + 0.5), Vector2d(vx, vy));
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) Vc += argon[i].v;
Vc /= N;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) argon[i].v -= Vc;
eqT = getTemperature(argon);
do {
fac = sqrt(T / eqT);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
argon[i].a = Vector2d(0, 0);
for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
Vector2d f = lennardJonesFource(separateDistance(argon[i].r, argon[j].r));
argon[i].a += f;
argon[j].a -= f;
argon[i].a /= argon[i].m;
Ti.push_back(Epoch * cnt * dt);
MTe.push_back(Te[Epoch * cnt]);
MEn.push_back(En[Epoch * cnt]);
MPr.push_back(Pr[Epoch * cnt]);
for (int i = 1; i < Epoch; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
argon[j].r += argon[j].v * dt + argon[j].a * pow(dt, 2) / 2;
argon[j].aPre = argon[j].a;
argon[j].a = Vector2d(0, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
for (int k = j + 1; k < N; k++) {
Vector2d f = lennardJonesFource(separateDistance(argon[j].r, argon[k].r));
argon[j].a += f;
argon[k].a -= f;
argon[j].a /= argon[j].m;
argon[j].v += (argon[j].aPre + argon[j].a) * dt / 2;
int k = i + Epoch * cnt;
Ti.push_back(k * dt);
if (i >= W) {
MTe.push_back((MTe[k - 1] * W + Te[k] - Te[k - W]) / W);
MEn.push_back((MEn[k - 1] * W + En[k] - En[k - W]) / W);
MPr.push_back((MPr[k - 1] * W + Pr[k] - Pr[k - W]) / W);
} else {
MTe.push_back((MTe[k - 1] * i + Te[k]) / (i + 1));
MEn.push_back((MEn[k - 1] * i + En[k]) / (i + 1));
MPr.push_back((MPr[k - 1] * i + Pr[k]) / (i + 1));
cnt += 1;
eqT = average(cutArrs(MTe, Epoch * cnt - W, Epoch * cnt - 1), W);
eqE = average(cutArrs(MEn, Epoch * cnt - W, Epoch * cnt - 1), W);
eqP = average(cutArrs(MPr, Epoch * cnt - W, Epoch * cnt - 1), W);
if (debug) cout << eqT * tem << ", " << abs(eqT - T) / T << ", " << eqE << ", " << eqP << endl;
if (abs(eqT - T) / T < eps) break;
} while (1);
cout << eqT * tem << ", " << abs(eqT - T) / T << ", " << eqE << ", " << eqP << endl;
plt::figure_size(900, 600);
plt::subplot(3, 1, 1);
plt::named_plot("Instant", Ti, Te);
plt::named_plot("Average", Ti, MTe);
plt::title("Equilibrium Temperature : " + to_string(eqT));
plt::xlabel("Time / ($\\sigma\\sqrt{m/\\epsilon}$)");
plt::ylabel("Temperature / ($\\epsilon/k_b$)");
plt::subplot(3, 1, 2);
plt::named_plot("Instant", Ti, En);
plt::named_plot("Average", Ti, MEn);
plt::title("Equilibrium Energy : " + to_string(eqE));
plt::xlabel("Time / ($\\sigma\\sqrt{m/\\epsilon}$)");
plt::ylabel("Energy / ($\\epsilon$)");
plt::subplot(3, 1, 3);
plt::named_plot("Instant", Ti, Pr);
plt::named_plot("Average", Ti, MPr);
plt::title("Equilibrium Pressure : " + to_string(eqP));
plt::xlabel("Time / ($\\sigma\\sqrt{m/\\epsilon}$)");
plt::ylabel("Pressure / ($\\epsilon/\\sigma^2$)");
plt::suptitle("Argon N = " + to_string(N));
return 0;
Unit of quantities:
Length : σ (Lennard-Jones parameters)
Energy : ε (Lennard-Jones parameters)
Masses : m (mass of the atom)
Velocity : sqrt(ε / m)
Time : σ * sqrt(m / ε)
Temperature : ε / k (k is Boltzmann's constant)
2D Maxwell Distribution
normal_distribution<double> gauss(0, sqrt(T * kb / m));
vector<double> x(100000);
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) x[i] = sqrt(pow(gauss(seed), 2) + pow(gauss(seed), 2));
plt::hist(x, 100);