#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup the project cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16...3.21) project(B1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find Geant4 package, activating all available UI and Vis drivers by default # You can set WITH_GEANT4_UIVIS to OFF via the command line or ccmake/cmake-gui # to build a batch mode only executable # option(WITH_GEANT4_UIVIS "Build example with Geant4 UI and Vis drivers" ON) if(WITH_GEANT4_UIVIS) find_package(Geant4 REQUIRED ui_all vis_all) else() find_package(Geant4 REQUIRED) endif() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup Geant4 include directories and compile definitions # Setup include directory for this project # include(${Geant4_USE_FILE}) include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Locate sources and headers for this project # NB: headers are included so they will show up in IDEs # file(GLOB sources ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cc) file(GLOB headers ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/*.hh) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the executable, and link it to the Geant4 libraries # add_executable(exampleB1 exampleB1.cc ${sources} ${headers}) target_link_libraries(exampleB1 ${Geant4_LIBRARIES}) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copy all scripts to the build directory, i.e. the directory in which we # build B1. This is so that we can run the executable directly because it # relies on these scripts being in the current working directory. # set(EXAMPLEB1_SCRIPTS exampleB1.in exampleB1.out init_vis.mac run1.mac run2.mac vis.mac ) foreach(_script ${EXAMPLEB1_SCRIPTS}) configure_file( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_script} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Release/${_script} COPYONLY ) endforeach() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For internal Geant4 use - but has no effect if you build this # example standalone # add_custom_target(B1 DEPENDS exampleB1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Install the executable to 'bin' directory under CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX # install(TARGETS exampleB1 DESTINATION bin)