#include "G4HumanPhantomColour.h" #include "G4HumanPhantomMaterial.h" #include "G4MIRDLeftArmBone.h" #include "G4EllipticalCone.hh" #include "G4EllipticalTube.hh" #include "G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "G4RotationMatrix.hh" #include "G4SDManager.hh" #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4UnionSolid.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "globals.hh" G4MIRDLeftArmBone::G4MIRDLeftArmBone() {} G4MIRDLeftArmBone::~G4MIRDLeftArmBone() {} G4VPhysicalVolume* G4MIRDLeftArmBone::Construct(const G4String& volumeName, G4VPhysicalVolume* mother, const G4String& colourName, G4bool wireFrame, G4bool) { // Remind! the elliptical cone gives problems! Intersections of volumes, // wrong calculation of the volume! G4HumanPhantomMaterial* material = new G4HumanPhantomMaterial(); G4cout << "Construct " << volumeName << " with mother " << mother->GetName() << G4endl; G4Material* skeleton = material->GetMaterial("skeleton"); delete material; G4double dx = 1.4 * cm; // a G4double dy = 2.7 * cm; // b // G4double dz= 46. * cm;//z0 // G4EllipticalCone* arm = new G4EllipticalCone("OneLeftArmBone",dx/2.,dy/2.,dz, 34.5 *cm); G4EllipticalTube* leftArm = new G4EllipticalTube("OneLeftArmBone", dx, dy, 34.5 * cm); G4LogicalVolume* logicLeftArmBone = new G4LogicalVolume(leftArm, skeleton, "logical" + volumeName, 0, 0, 0); G4RotationMatrix* rm = new G4RotationMatrix(); rm->rotateX(180. * degree); G4VPhysicalVolume* physLeftArmBone = new G4PVPlacement(rm, G4ThreeVector(18.4 * cm, 0.0, -0.5 * cm), //-x0 "physicalLeftArmBone", logicLeftArmBone, mother, false, 0, true); // Visualization Attributes G4HumanPhantomColour* colourPointer = new G4HumanPhantomColour(); G4Colour colour = colourPointer->GetColour(colourName); G4VisAttributes* LeftArmBoneVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(colour); LeftArmBoneVisAtt->SetForceSolid(wireFrame); logicLeftArmBone->SetVisAttributes(LeftArmBoneVisAtt); G4cout << "LeftArmBone created !!!!!!" << G4endl; // Testing LeftArmBone Volume G4double LeftArmBoneVol = logicLeftArmBone->GetSolid()->GetCubicVolume(); G4cout << "Volume of LeftArmBone = " << LeftArmBoneVol / cm3 << " cm^3" << G4endl; // Testing LeftArmBone Material G4String LeftArmBoneMat = logicLeftArmBone->GetMaterial()->GetName(); G4cout << "Material of LeftArmBone = " << LeftArmBoneMat << G4endl; // Testing Density G4double LeftArmBoneDensity = logicLeftArmBone->GetMaterial()->GetDensity(); G4cout << "Density of Material = " << LeftArmBoneDensity * cm3 / g << " g/cm^3" << G4endl; // Testing Mass G4double LeftArmBoneMass = (LeftArmBoneVol)*LeftArmBoneDensity; G4cout << "Mass of LeftArmBone = " << LeftArmBoneMass / gram << " g" << G4endl; return physLeftArmBone; }